My Stories

After lying dormant for a thousand years, the Soulkind awaken. Many step forward to claim their magic, but childhood dreams quickly fade under the harsh reality of its return. Who will wield the Soulkind and who must watch helplessly as magic lies forever out of reach? Who will their power corrupt? What unforeseen dangers will they bring?
Jace and his friends stumble through these questions as they try to find their way in a world where the Soulkind Awakening changes everything they know.

Always being connected to technology is nothing new for Daj, a young Maglan who dreams of flying. With constant access to vid streams, friends, fans, and everything digital, there's nothing else he needs. When he stumbles upon an anti-tech group, however, he begins to see the other side of a world controlled by technology.

Liz McKeeting likes nothing better than to devour books. Literally. In doing so, she discovers she can really become a part of her stories.

Follow Liz on her adventure as she learns a very important lesson.

An ancient warrior awakens in a land that has forgotten him. Can he find his way or will the secrets of his past find him?